Friday, July 8, 2011

Let a Little Sunshine In!

Yellow shines with optimism, enlightenment and happiness.  A perfect color to decorate any seaside space.  Shades of yellow are said to carry the promise of a positive future.  A room with little sunlight will greatly benefit from yellow to compensate for the lack of light and can bring in a reminder of the gentle warmth of the sun.

Yellow is sunshine, freshness and cool.  From hot sunflower yellow to pale buttery tones (think mellow-yellow), psychologically speaking, yellow is said to be the happiest color in the color spectrum.  In feng shui, yellow represents the color of sunlight with its cheerful and uplifting qualilties.  Yellow best expresses the essence of light and can also suggest intellectual energy and curiosity (think yellow pencils).  The color of hope, joy and optimism (think yellow ribbons).

Sounds like an easy choice for a seaside bedroom.  We especially love this room paired with the simplicity of painted white wood.  We have chosen a few of our favorite yellow accessories to get you started!

Shimmering Cascade ChandelierLet the sun shine in!!

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